Original logo-the one remaining. The others ;(depicted in the following photos); were painted over by order of the city. Latex house paint .
Alley;(Strand Str.), side logo painted over by city order. Latex house paint.
One of several “masculine” shamrocks done on the alley;(Strand Str. ) side of the building. Painted over by order of the city. Latex house paint.
Front side of Murphy’s with hanging sign & “feminine” shamrocks. The shamrocks have since been covered by the new awning. Latex house paint.
“Clifton Ireland”;5’x6′;latex house paint on canvas. Commissioned by previous owner;Jim Connolly Huff-“Connelly’s Pub”. Mike Daly & Amon Finnerty bought him out; refinished the entire interior ; & not only kept my painting , but framed around it quite nicely . Thanks to David Denton and his crew @ “A to Z Maintenance”, for their decision to keep the painting as part of Murphy’s !